ChemDAQ monitors communicate with your ChemDAQ sensors to provide the readings you need to effectively monitor the levels of potentially harmful chemical vapors -EtO, PAA and H2O2 in your workspaces. You can choose from fixed, portable or a combination of both.

Fixed monitors
Fixed monitors are most commonly deployed in environments where continuous real-time monitoring is a must.
For fixed monitoring applications, you have two options. The Steri-Trac® 2 monitor features a convenient touch screen to program your device and provides real-time measurements of vapor concentration in parts per million. If data logging is required, the Steri-Trac 2+ provides internal data storage.
Fixed monitors can send data to ChemDAQ’s Data Acquisition System for data logging to display readings from up to 32 monitoring points at once to give you a facility-wide view of gas and vapor levels throughout your building. You can also send data to programmable logic controllers or facility management software to make your monitors part of abatement systems or facility alarms.

Water resistant monitors
To provide accurate monitoring near spray bars, dip tanks, chillers, and other environments where moisture may impact the accuracy of vapor readings, ChemDAQ’s VaporAlert® is your best choice. Its stainless-steel design is built to withstand everyday use in wet environments and is available in several different configurations to best meet your needs.
Compatible Products

Data Acquisition System (DAQ®)
ChemDAQ’s DAQ is an area monitoring and archival computer software solution. The DAQ can sync and centralize data from up to 32 monitoring locations simultaneously, compare all exposure data to occupational exposure limits, and provide historic reporting for each monitoring point.

Remote Display
Remote displays added to ChemDAQ monitors increase safety by warning employees of hazardous conditions before they enter the area. Display a single reading from a specific space on this easy-to-install display.

Remote Video Display
Remote video displays are an extension of your DAQ. The user can choose to highlight certain areas from their DAQ to display on this single, easy-to-read monitor.